Wednesday, March 5, 2025

To The Nines (GLOG Class: Cosplay Knight)

seungyoon lee

In an era of secular decadence, society yearns for the knight. They got you instead.

Start with: fancy clothes; foppish laugh; rich, disappointed parents; mule painted white; no weapons.
A - Prominence, Fashion Souls
B - Composed
C - Dress for the Occasion
D - Claim to Fame, Regalia

A: Prominence
You are always the most prominent person of a group. You cannot be ignored.

A: Fashion Souls
Whenever you inspect a garment or armor piece, you receive insight into its history, purpose, and/or symbolic weight. (Basically, you read its item description.) Garments and armor pieces from the same set mostly give the same insights.

When you inspect a complete and restored set, you receive an additional insight.

B: Composed
You may take a minute to Compose yourself. While Composed, you look as good as possible, under the circumstances. Even when dressed in rags and coated in slime, you look as though you are making a daring fashion statement.

If you are Composed, add +2 to your Reaction rolls.

C: Dress for the Occasion
When you wear a complete and restored set of clothing or armor, you gain a negotiated ability associated with the person or role that outfit belonged to. For example:

  • Ailing Peasant Vestments: You can choose to fail saves vs disease. If you have an even number of diseases, they balance out and leave you healthy.
  • Horned Warrior's Garb: You can carry a boat as if you were twelve men.
  • Pyromancer's Robes: You can drink fire out of a lantern like it was hot coffee.

You can remove cursed items if they don't match the rest of your outfit.

D: Claim to Fame
When you wear complete (but not necessarily restored) regalia, you become a claimant to the associated title (king, baron, etc.) regardless of parentage or merit.

D: Regalia
There is no limit to the number of clothes, armor, and titles you can wear at once. You can be the King of Ysbrasil and the Archdeacon of Prithaca, wear gauntlets over gloves, four overcoats, and six hats. That's fashion, baby.

Actual Combat Training
Whenever you gain a level, you may choose to gain the next template of Duelist (or your choice of Fighter) instead of this class.

But why bother? It's not like you'll ever need to fight anyone.