Thursday, October 17, 2024

6 Page Grimoires (Printable)

Download, print, fold, hand to new player, play.

Some design notes:

  • Inspired by: 5e's clunky ass magic system (out of spite); various zines ; Into the Breach, somehow
  • I """"balanced"""" these for a hypothetical all-wizard-no-spell-slots 5e game that will never happen. A more refined game/hack would help these books shine, but I haven't figured out what that would be yet
    • in the theoretical grimoirehack, all players would play wizards, each dungeon would have a new grimoire for treasure, and each player would have some kind of... rubber stamp? yeah, a stamp (unique wizard seal) for marking which pages of which grimoires they've learned. i think that's fun
  • yes, you can learn from more than one grimoire (wizard multiclassing). There's some obvious cross-grimoire synergies in these 6
  • i wanted to make a randomizer that scrambles the grimoire pages and makes a printout, but i got lazy
  • This is technically a GLOGtober post, except its for my own prompt (Physical Game Pieces) so it doesn't count IM GOING TO FAIL AGAI

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


For GLOGtober '24, based on other peoples' thoughts on Mothership, deus' review(? retrospective?) of Abandon All Hope, and my own fear and fascination with public transportation.

Unplaytested, probably unplayable. I haven't watched any Twilight Zone but I suspect I'm ripping it off by proxy.

Here's some train ambience.