You are a craftsman. You belong to a Societ𐚲 of other craftsmen - people who teach you skills and look out for you. You pay dues, and occasionally do them favors. Ask no questions, not yet.

The world is full of your fellows, of their symbols, grips, and signs. They make life comfortable for you and people like you.

Start with: society membership; fancy stationery (40g); tools of the trade
+1 Sneak and +1 Inventory Slot per template

A - Skills, Missions, Dues
B - Rites

A: Skills
You know two of your Society’s skills.
For each skill, you also gain its associated cantrip. 

Skills add +2 to associated checks and saves. 

A: Missions

should you choose to accept it


A: Dues
Membership is not free. You owe 20g in dues at the end of each year.

As long as you are behind on your dues, you are technically forbidden from practicing the trades of the Society. 

B: Rites
You know the 𐘂ites of initiation, condemnation, and mobilization
, with the following effects:

  • You may initiate new members into the Society.
  • You may declare another person an enemy of the Society, unless a more senior craftsman disagrees.
  • You may call upon a unit of fellow craftsmen to perform a task in line with the Society’s interests. 
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