Wednesday, September 2, 2020

1d12 Magic Items That Encourage Teamwork

Try these out in your game if you find yourself/your players forgetting about their +1 swords or whatever.

Sweet Loot
Slingin' Buckler - A circular bronze shield with two crossed swords on its face. The subject of legend among the pirates of Naga’s Choke Bay. Well-balanced for projectile applications (as throwing hammer). When thrown, the wielder may name an ally for the buckler to ricochet towards, regardless of whether it hits its target. The ally can catch the buckler with ease unless their hands are full. If they fail to catch the buckler, it hits them without fail.
Brothers of Tempest - A hammer and short sword that crackle with blue lightning. Said to have been forged instantaneously when two lightning bolts struck the peak of Mt. Tyrem. The weapons are paired, dealing bonus lightning damage if a single creature is struck with both weapons at the same time. If both weapons are being held by a single wielder, they’ll deal the same damage to them. Can also be used to light fires/power electrical circuits (if your setting allows for that).
Collars of the Faithful - Twin silver collars worn around the neck. Traditionally used by the moonfolk to spirit-link with blinkdogs. The items are paired; when one collared creature takes damage, the other is instantaneously teleported to a random unoccupied nearby location.
Hythria’s Splinters - Two wands carved from a dark, near indestructible wood. When activated, the wand/s emit a faint red beam indicating the location of the nearest inactive Hythria’s Splinter. If the wands are used to cast spells simultaneously, one spell (chosen at random) will consume the other and gain its spell levels (i.e. a level 5 fireball and a level 4 magic missile could become a level 9 fireball). When seven Splinters are gathered, something crazy happens.
Mason’s Belt of Becoming - A heavy belt lined with basilisk scales. Stolen centuries ago from the Etched Tomb of Eternity. When activated (command word chosen upon attunement), transforms the wearer into a perfect diamond surrounded by a 10ft cube of inanimate stone. The wearer has some control over the shape of the stone, and may add stairs or engravings as they wish. Touching the diamond reverses the transformation and dispels the stone.
Peluah, the Wooden Quiver - A thick disk of ringed wood on a cord with a target painted on its face. Designed by some sick elvish fuck. Any arrow fired with the intention of striking Peluah will strike it without fail, curving in midair if necessary. If a creature is wearing or carrying Peluah, the arrow will critically strike the creature instead.
Windswept Tower Gate - A tower shield emblazoned with three arrows pointing skyward. A holy weapon once wielded by the siege-knights of Tusikk. Once activated by its wielder (command word chosen upon attunement), the shield accelerates objects in contact with its front face in the direction of the arrows. With a running start, allies can use it to leap great distances.
Quill of Dimensionality Reduction - A brilliant blue quill that writes without ink. Made from the feather of a fourth-dimensional raptor. When a certain glyph (chosen upon attunement) is drawn, the wielder becomes an appropriately-sized two-dimensional ink figure on any surface they can touch with the quill. They can hear and see the outside world perfectly well, but can only move in two dimensions  (see: A Link Between Worlds). They return to the physical world once the glyph is erased by another person.
Veil of Enormous Illusion - A bejeweled headdress made of gossamer golden thread. Originally woven by the giants of Hagra Sha. Disguises its wearer as anything so long as both the wearer and desired disguise are 8 feet tall or taller. The veil does not discriminate between a single very tall adventurer and two adventurers on each other’s shoulders.
The Music Cow - A four-chambered nightmare bagpipe from hell. Said to have belonged to Demogorgon himself. It has two mouthpieces, and requires simultaneous checks and a lot of practice to play “well”. Songs written for the Music Cow have spell-like properties. The sound carries for miles over open land and is literally poisonous to angels/devils.
Bands of Fate Intertwined - Two rings made of red thread and identical sapphire teardrops. Worn by shadeling lovers on the steppes of Ravenna. When two players make simultaneous attacks or skill checks, they may agree to exchange d20 values (after the roll but before hit confirmation). If one player rolls either 20 or 1, both players take that value. If both 20 and 1 are rolled, the rings disintegrate.
Light of Day - A marble-white longsword which glows like the sun. Wielded by three generations of deva royalty in the forgotten age, only to be lost in a feud for inheritance. Its so juiced up with magic that it cuts just as well as a mundane sword from inside the scabbard. Deals a shit-ton of damage, but drawing it from the scabbard blinds the wielder to all living things.
btw i stole this formatting from Grindstone Games. Go check them out.

"dammit, another fucking +1 sword"
by Denman Rooke

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